My wife got kelly when she was 5 months old from the spca in New York . Deb went there to look for a dog for her and her son she gave deb them curious loving eyes and gave the look that said take me but picked a different one but was too hyper then went back and walked by Kelly and looked at her with the look that said I knew youd be back , and ended up with Kelly. I eat Debi and Darrin and Kelly about 4- 5 years later , end up moving here to Erie ,pa. And loved to eat and gained weight ,the doc said she was fat., thats how she got the nickname fat dog. I ended up walking and mainly talking care of her. She loved walks and rides in the car and truck especially the mustang convertible. She loved eating marshmallows at the fireplace in the winter . She would cover herself up under the blanket and put her head on the pillow. She would do a lot of funny things on her own ,she had her own personality . She had ice cream on her birthday and was a eating machine (people food) , she barley ever barked ,unless teased with cheese ,never chewed up anything or tore up anything. She was a great friend ,she lost weight the last couple of years of her life . She lost most of her hearing ,failing eye sight , bad hips and 1 month before her death found out she had kidney cancer , its the hardest thing to put her down . But we had a lot of good times and memories, thank for being in our lives kelly , we greatly miss and love you. We think about you a lot , RIP
A candle was lit in memory of Kelly.

A candle was lit in memory of Kelly.